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2nd Class

Volleyball and Tug-a-war
Thank you to Aidan Dockery for a very interesting history lesson. He was very happy to see the historical objects and artefacts that second class brought into school to show him. 
Tennis 2024
First Communion Class of 2024
The Sacrament of First Confessions
We were lucky to get to use two special instruments during music class today: the Rainmaker and the Thunder Shaker! Thank you Rachel! 
5th and 6th class students taught us all about their projects, based on their chosen countries!
Halloween is coming and we are getting ready for it by making pumpkin prints using apples. 
We are learning about internet safety. Students were given time to read and discuss the information on each piece of paper. They decided what information is suitable to share online and what information is not. Students learned that a trail is left behind when they visit web pages and this is known as their digital footprint. 
Happy Halloween! Well done to all in 2nd class who made a fantastic effort to dress up for Halloween, all in aid of Temple Street Children's Hospital. Thank you for your donations!
We love GAA and learning new skills! 
During winter, we made crafty penguins! 
We had fun playing Battleship with hundred squares!
Coding is very popular in our class! We are learning to programme with Angry Birds, by making a list of instructions for the Angry Birds character to follow. 
Developing our shooting skills with our basketball coach Destiny! 
We made St. Brigid's crosses! Thank you Sandra from Crafts of Ireland. 
2nd class students came up with excellent ideas for the Texaco Art Competition!