Welcome To Our New Website!

General Information

The school telephone number is 049-8547081
Email: office@knocktemplens.ie - principal@knocktemplens.ie
Website: www.knocktemplens.ie

The school secretary is available every day, to take your call from 9.00am to 3pm. Outside these hours a messaging service is available.
Classes begin at 9.20am and end at 3pm. Junior and Senior infants finish school at 2pm. Pupils may be on the school grounds from 9.10am and not later than 9.20am.
Absences of pupils should be explained by a note or telephone call. Please note that in accordance with legislation, the B.O.M is obliged to report any child who misses more than 20 days in the school year to the National Education Welfare Board. Pupils may not leave the school grounds at any time unless they have permission from the principal or another member of staff. At the end of the day pupils must wait inside the gates until met by their parents.In the event of a pupil becoming ill at school, parents will be contacted immediately. If you have a telephone number where a person can be contacted in your absence from home to take responsibility for your child, please leave this number with the class teacher. If you are concerned that your child is sick please keep him/her at home.
  • Parent/Teacher meetings will be arranged during the year.
  • Circulars and letters will be sent home from time to time.
  • Please read them carefully and return any forms attached.